Come ogni anno, la rivista di architettura per il culto Faith & Form propone il suo “Religious Award”. Per quest’anno coloro che desiderano sottoporre progetti o realizzazioni devono iscriversi entro il mese di giugno. Qui sotto ripubblichiamo il bando proposto da F&F.

2015 Faith & Form/IFRAA International Awards Program. Submissions are invited for the 2015 Faith & Form/IFRAA International Awards Program, which recognizes excellence in the design of religious architecture, religious arts, religious landscape design, the design of unbuilt religious projects, and student design projects for spiritual environments. The winners of the awards program will be chosen by an independent jury panel of recognized experts in the field and will be published globally. More information can be found All submissions are digital, and the deadline is June 30.


Cover: Una delle architetture premiate nell’edizione 2014: di Dynerman Architects, PC, St. Ignatius Chapel at the Georgetown University, a Bluemont, Virginia. Photo: Alan Karchmer Photography



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