The anniversary, 25th Economic Forum in Krynica-Zdrój is scheduled to be held between the 8th and the 10th of September this year. “How to build strong Europe? Strategies for the future” is the title of the plenary session opening this year’s Forum. Participants in the debates will be looking for answers to the main challenges that the Old Continent has to address in the face of internal and external threats. The discussion will centre on economic and political issues inside the community, as well as security issues connected with the situation in Ukraine and North Africa.

Due to increased importance of security issues connected with the crisis in Ukraine and tensions in relations with Russia, terrorist attacks and heightened activity of the Islamic State, the agenda of upcoming conference will include also a new event – Security Forum.  The thematic blocks: „Contemporary world, present-day challenges. How to respond to hybrid aggression?”„Fallen states –  how to stop the wave of destabilization?” and debates „Relations of the East with the West in the new geopolitical context”; „Response to new challenges: cybersecurity as a necessary condition for stable development”; „Civil security studies – how to counteract threats?”; „European cooperation in the area of internal security” are only selected topics of the three-day Security Forum. Participation in the debates was announced by: Tinatin Hidaszeli, Minister of Defence of Georgia, Iveta Radicova Prime Minister of Slovakia in 2010 – 2012; Bartłomiej Bodio, Vice-chairman of National Security Committee; Michel Van Leeuwen, Head of Cybersecurity Policy in the Ministry of Security and Justice of the Netherlands; Leonid Kożara, Vice-president of Foreign Affairs in the Supreme Council of Ukraine; PéterSiklósi, Undersecretary of State for Defence Policy and Planning, Hungary; Karel Schwarzenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in 2007–2009 and 2010 -2013, among others.

The Economic Forum will include more than 170 events – debates, program blocks, plenary sessions, presentations of reports in 12 topical tracks. The most important politicians, economists, representatives of the biggest European companies and experts have already announced their presence during the Forum.

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